I'm a freelance copywriter and journalist based in Oakland, CA.

B2B Blogs

Getting to the root of cannabis runoff

One of the biggest challenges growers face is finding the balance between the “old way” of doing things and the present realities of needing to be profitable. And not just with their practices, but also with the language used to define them. Take cannabis runoff for example…

Which cannabis cultivation should you track when crop steering?

Any time a cultivator manipulates the environment to achieve certain outcomes with their plants, they’re crop steering. But knowing what data must be tracked by a cannabis grower in order to achieve their desired results comes down to the cannabis cultivation data collection process known as crop registration.

The best cannabis substrate: Coco vs Rockwool

Growers have plenty to think about when deciding on the best substrate for cannabis cultivation. But where hobbyists and home growers have the luxury of being able to experiment with various options, for cultivators who grow recreational and medical cannabis, substrates mark a key business decision.